


Direct School Admission-JC Exercise 2024 (Information as of 6 May 2024)

Nanyang Junior College invites students with outstanding talents/skills to apply for Direct School Admission. Successful DSA-JC candidates will gain admission to NYJC in 2025 for their JC education as long as they meet the eligibility criteria set by MOE for the two-year Junior College Course based on their GCE ’O’ Level examination results.

Please note that successful DSA-JC candidates will NOT be allowed to participate in the Joint Admissions Exercise. They will also NOT be allowed to transfer to another school after the release of the GCE ‘O’ Level examination results. They are expected to honour the commitment to their DSA-JC school.

If you are interested to apply for DSA to NYJC, please click the button below.

Areas of Talents / Skills

  • Category: Language and Humanities
    • English Debating
    • Language Elective Programme- Chinese (CLEP)
  • Category: Leadership and Uniformed Groups​
    • Leadership
  • Category: Performing Arts
    • Chinese Orchestra
    • Choir
    • Contemporary Dance
    • Guzheng Ensemble
    • Concert Band
  • Category: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
    • Science Research
    • Mathematics/ Science Olympiad
  • Category: Sports and Games
    • Badminton
    • Basketball
    • Floorball
    • Football (Boys)
    • Netball (Girls)
    • Table Tennis
    • Tchoukball
    • Tennis
    • Volleyball
  • Category: Visual Arts, Design and Media
    • Art Elective Programme (AEP)

Application Procedure

  1. All applicants are to submit their application between 6 May 2024 0900h and 2 Aug 2024 1800h through the online DSA form. Any amendments may be submitted via the college email: nyjc@schools.gov.sg. A hard copy of the registration form is not required.
  2. Applicants who are not offered a place in Phase 1 need not apply for Phase 2 as applications received will be considered for both phases.
  3. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide accurate and complete information. An applicant found with false declaration will be rejected immediately.
  4. Applicants will be shortlisted for an interview/trial/ audition based on the selection criteria. Please click the button below to read the selection criteria. They should be attending the interview which may include an audition or trial component. Applicants will be evaluated by the college’s teacher(s)-in-charge and where applicable, the CCA instructor or coach.

    Note: Interview/Trial/ Audition Period
    Phase 1: 10 May to 2 Aug 2024
    Phase 2: 12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024 (5 Sep 2024 is the last day of offer)
  5. For applicants to have adequate preparation time for the interview, we strongly recommend that all applications be submitted well in advance of the official deadline. They may need to show their portfolio during the interview.
    The portfolio may include:
    • Relevant certifications and records of achievement in zonal or national competitions related to the area of talent/skill;
    • Art portfolio (applicable for students interested in pursuing Art Elective Programme)
  6. We will inform the shortlisted applicants on the details of the interview/trial/audition and the documents required through email or sms.
  7. Successful candidates will be contacted by telephone.
  8. All applications will be notified of the outcome of their application by email, latest by 6 Sep 2024.